What is Credit Card Validator?

A "Credit Card Validator" tool is a web application or service that allows users to validate their credit card information.

Validate Credit Card

Validate a credit card number

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List of credit card numbers format

Credit Card Issuer Starts With (IIN Range) Length (Number of digits)
American Express 34, 37 15
Diners Club - Carte Blanche 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305 14
Diners Club - International 36 14
Diners Club - USA & Canada 54 16
Discover 6011, 622126 to 622925, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 65 16
InstaPayment 637, 638, 639 16
JCB 3528 to 3589 16
Laser 6304, 6706, 6771, 6709 16-19
Maestro 5018, 5020, 5038, 5893, 6304, 6759, 6761, 6762, 6763 16-19
MasterCard 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 16-19
Visa 4 13-16
Visa Electron 4026, 417500, 4508, 4844, 4913, 4917 16